GOO Gut Rescue
GUT-Biome Restoration
GOO Gut Rescue
GOO Gut Rescue TM
Sophisticated – GOO Gut-Biome – Immune Intelligence
Your Dog’s Gut “MicroBiome” is the invisible constellation of Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi
that performs a vital role in keeping your Dog Healthy … or Not.
that performs a vital role in keeping your Dog Healthy … or Not.
Research indicates that the Health / Balance of Your Animal’s MicroBiome GUT Flora
can affect numerous Processes in the Body,
including Metabolism, Energy Production, Immune Health,
Nutrition Assimilation, even Genetic Expression.
can affect numerous Processes in the Body,
including Metabolism, Energy Production, Immune Health,
Nutrition Assimilation, even Genetic Expression.

Us Human’s are
10 Parts Bacteria
1 Part Animal

Trust Your Animal’s GUT to
GOO Gut RescueTM
Is Your Animal’s MicroBiome GUT Garden
Dominated by Pathogenic “Bad” Bacteria / WEEDs ?
Dominated by Pathogenic “Bad” Bacteria / WEEDs ?
Antibiotics / Poor DIET / NSAIDs / Illness
Severely Disrupt the delicate MicroBiome Balance &
Functionality of Your Animal’s GI Immune System.
Functionality of Your Animal’s GI Immune System.
UnLess Pro-Active GOO GUT RESCUE Measures are taken …
Not only will Your Animal’s GUT / GI Tract will be “LifeTime” dominated by
Pathogenic / Opportunistic BAD Bacteria, compromising GUT / GI BreakDown / Absorption.
Pathogenic / Opportunistic BAD Bacteria, compromising GUT / GI BreakDown / Absorption.
But, Ultimately the Barrier Integrity of your Animal’s GUT Lining will be compromised /
becoming “Porous” as a result of the extended presence of a Pathogenic Bacteria,
allowing FOODs to pass into BloodStream,
causing a Slippery Slope of further Health Issues…
and compromised Quality of Life for Your Animal and You.

Researchers have found Significant Differences in the
Bacterial Population of Sick Dogs versus Well Dogs.
Bacterial Population of Sick Dogs versus Well Dogs.
GOO Gut Rescue’s TM – 5 R’s
Rescue > ReStore > REPAIR > Retain > ReSolve
Your Animal’s MicroBiome from Pathogenic BAD Bacteria Dominance.
Your Animal’s GUT to MicroBiome Health / Balance / Functionality.
Your Animal’s GUT to MicroBiome Health / Balance / Functionality.
The GUT Lining Permeability caused by the persistent presence of Pathogenic Bacteria.
The GUT Lining Permeability caused by the persistent presence of Pathogenic Bacteria.
And Preserve a Healthy GUT / GI MicroFlora Balance supporting correct Functionality.
And Preserve a Healthy GUT / GI MicroFlora Balance supporting correct Functionality.
Health Issues to 7 provocative FOODs prompted by GUT ImBalance.
Health Issues to 7 provocative FOODs prompted by GUT ImBalance.
90% of the Cells in Your Animal’s Body are Bacterial Microbes
which Live in Symbiotic / Reciprocal Harmony
with the 10% of Cells that are actually those of “Your Animal”.
75% of Your Animal’s Immune System = GUT.
The Health of your Animal’s GUT has a Direct & Profound Effect
on the Functionality & Performance of your Animal’s Entire Immune System / Response.
Clearly the Best Path
to Your Animal’s Peak Immune Performance
is a Healthy / Happy / Well Fed Population of
Beneficial MicroBiome Flora.

A Healthy Immune System
Begins with a Healthy GUT.
Antibiotics, Illness, NSAIDs and / or Poor Diet
Severely Disrupt the Beneficial MicroBiome Flora Balance
in Your Animal’s GUT & GI Tract.
Severely Disrupt the Beneficial MicroBiome Flora Balance
in Your Animal’s GUT & GI Tract.
Antibiotics are Universally Used to Teat Infection
NSAIDs are Universally Used to Treat Inflammation.
BOTH serve our Animal’s Health..
But they must be Used Judiciously..
And the Negative Effects on the Animal’s System
Must be Understood / Addressed ..
The Cure may be Worse
Than the Disease Being Treated.
And the Negative Effects on the Animal’s System
Must be Understood / Addressed ..
The Cure may be Worse
Than the Disease Being Treated.
Not Only Compromising
Nutrient BreakDown / Absorption / GUT Functionaity
But will Lead to Compromised GUT Permeability / Integrity
Nutrient BreakDown / Absorption / GUT Functionaity
But will Lead to Compromised GUT Permeability / Integrity
Contributing to…
Enhanced Sensitivity / InTolerance / Allergy to FOOD Sources &
Increased Susceptibility to Infection & Disease.
Enhanced Sensitivity / InTolerance / Allergy to FOOD Sources &
Increased Susceptibility to Infection & Disease.
UnLess ProActive Measures are taken,
a Toxic Pathogenic MicroBiome GUT Imbalance
will Remain Entrenched & Progressively Exacerbate
Compromised Quality of Life for Your Animal ( And YOU ! ) …
will Remain Entrenched & Progressively Exacerbate
Compromised Quality of Life for Your Animal ( And YOU ! ) …
Creating a LifeTime Slippery Slope of recalcitrant Health Issues & compromised Quality of Life.

Now is the Time to Place Your Animal
Firmly on the LifeTime Path
to GOO GUT Health.
Firmly on the LifeTime Path
to GOO GUT Health.

EveryDay Signs of GUT-Biome ImBalance
- Appetite Loss
- Poor Stool Consistency
- Food Allergy Symptoms
- Vomiting
- Flatulence
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Big Vet $$ Bills.
GOO Gut Rescue
- Scientifically Formulated by Healthy GOO Board-Certified Veterinary Dermatologist Consultant.
- Co-Formulation Expertise provided by DVM & Animal Microbial Expert.
- Food Extracts enhance Immune System Tolerance and decrease Food Sensitivities to major Provocative FOOD Sources i.e. Beef, Chicken, Corn, Wheat, Pork, Lamb & Soy.
- A proprietary Multi-Blend of Prebiotics, Probiotics and supportive natural Ingredients Formulated specifically to RESCUE / ReStore / REPAIR / Retain & ReSOLVE the Health of Your Animal’s GI Tract / Immune System.
- Cutting Edge Colustrum Bio-Active REPAIRs GUT Lining Damage caused by presence of Pathogenic GUT Bacteria.
- Omega Rich Chia Seed ( Whole) confer Omega Inflammation, Protein and Fiber Benefits.
- Pet & Pet Parent GOO Compliance is assured via GOO GUT RESCUE’s “Tasty Treat” GOO-Licious Peanut Butter Sublingual Delivery.

How Your Animal can Benefit
GOO Gut Rescue
For PET Parents ..
- Whose Animal’s have experienced extended Poor Diet, Illness or Antibiotic Consumption and wish to address the possibly of GUT / GI Tract Disruption.
- Whose Animal’s display Signs of GUT Imbalance.
- Whose Animal’s display FOOD Issues.
- Who wish to build Immune Tolerance in their Animal to Food Sensitivity / Allergy Sources allowing full / varied Diet participation.
- Of New Puppies, who wish to Pre-Emptively place their Puppy firmly on the Lifetime Path to a Healthy / Varied Diet and a base of optimal GUT / GI Tract performance.
- Of Healthy Animal’s, who wish to place their Puppy firmly on the Lifetime Path to a Healthy / Varied Diet and a base of optimal GUT / GI Tract performance.
Rescue Your Animal’s Gut-Biome !
From Pathogenic Bacteria Dominance
Caused by Antibiotics / Poor Diet / Illness.
Rescue / ReStore / REPAIR / ReTain / ReSolve
the Health of Your Animal’s GUT !
Heal & Seal Your Animal’s GUT !
Take the FEAR out of FOOD !
Temper & Balance Your Animal’s Immune Response
to 7 Provocative FOOD Sources.
Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork,
Wheat, Corn & Soy.
to 7 Provocative FOOD Sources.
Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork,
Wheat, Corn & Soy.
Now, your Animal can Enjoy
the Full Nutrient Benefits of Today’s FOOD Bounty
without FEAR of FOOD
Sensitivity / InTolerance / Allergy Consequences.
the Full Nutrient Benefits of Today’s FOOD Bounty
without FEAR of FOOD
Sensitivity / InTolerance / Allergy Consequences.
Fight Bad Bugs with Good Bugs !